What is a Medicolegal Provider and Why are they Important?

The role of a Medicolegal provider is to support the efficient, objective and independent assessment of injuries for the purpose of determining whether or not a claimant is entitled to compensation, and to what extent. The AAMLP believes it is essential that injured persons have unrestricted access to legal representation and be permitted to obtain and submit expert opinions that they are confident are objective and independent, especially in the context of systems of statutory third party insurance such as Workers Compensation and CTP.

We believe that the expert knowledge of the executives at AAMLP can be of added value to Government departments and Insurer groups through consultation and discussion on policy matters concerning the personal injury industry.

About Us

The AAMLP is the representative voice of the medicolegal services provider industry and represents 15 Australian medico-legal service providers. It seeks to influence the direction and outcome of policy reviews on medicolegal issues to ensure that the interests of the members are protected.