About Us

The Australasian Association of Medicolegal Providers (AAMLP) is the peak body for medical, health and business professionals who provide expert opinions to the Legal industry, Government departments and Insurer groups.

As the representative voice of the medico-legal services provider industry, the AAMLP seeks to influence the direction and outcome of policy reviews on medico-legal issues to ensure that the interests of the members are protected. The AAMLP sets industry standards through the review, development and promotion of appropriate industry guidelines and protocols.

What we stand for…

‘The AAMLP strongly advocates for the use of impartial and unbiased medico-legal assessments, due to their pivotal role in ensuring the integrity of the legal process.

Medicolegal opinions are central to resolving a wide range of legal matters, including civil litigation, criminal cases, and insurance claims. These opinions rely on the expertise and experience of qualified individuals to provide insights, interpretations, and evaluations of medical and scientific evidence related to cases.’

Click here to read our full position statement.


The AAMLP is proud to boast members from all across Australia. This gives the association a breadth of knowledge and experience on all topics within the industry and different schemes around the country, therefore being able to provide Governments and Insurance groups with insights and data that are based on the real life experiences of business owners. Click here to view the full list of members.

Sign our Petition!

We have developed a petition for the immediate increase in SIRA’s gazetted rates for psychiatric and orthopaedic assessments. Click here to read more about the petition and where to sign.

Association Officers

President - Mark Gibbins

Vice President - Paul Heath

Treasurer - Pieter de Groot